Hello people,
Have you ever thought going somewhere like a vacation off the grid ? It was like OMG ! no social network, no electrics, no technologies or coverage ! Oh-so-suffering right ? * especially aku *But I will take it as a challenge because I'm kinda like those extra amazing things. hahahahahhaha *kemainn berbahasa omputih* Where's your ibunda punya bahasa ? Well, i guess tak salah nak pakai bahasa ibunda or bahasa omputih kann ? You vote for it peeps ! Hehehehe ^^v
Since, we were keep ourselves busy with those sophisticated technologies, do we ever think about being hidup tanpa teknologi ? * takde facebook, takde blog, takde iphone, takde samsung galaxy & etc *. Me, myself never thought about it either. Yeah ! we kinda think that we gonna live happily ever after like dongeng punya kisah. So, stop for a seconds and think for those people yang hidup dalam kesusahan dan kemiskinan. Kalau kita tak mampu nak sumbangkan sesuatu buat mereka, DOA is the best gift ever untuk mereka... Terima kasih..
Kotak Hati: konon-konon nak HOT dengan dwibahasa -.- '
Dalam Hati: sedih mengenangkan nasib saudara kita di palestin.
Kata Hati: smile peeps ! till then, good night adn have a nice day tomorrow yaa
Oh pelisshhh maafkan diri ini yang menggunakan dwibahasa :)))

dwi bahasa..ok what!! ;-)
no coverage?
no electrics?
bersyukur dgn keadaan yang boleh tahan perfect,,..
sy pernah hidup tanpa semua tu for 1 week..bila dpt blk semua tu,gelabah..hehe :)
@saffiya_aleesya @ echa okehh yekk ? hemm, nak buat selalu lahh. thanks :)
@ary_lee hewhewhew... syukur dgn apa yg ada kann ?
@Atiqah Wadiah why jadi cmtu ? alololo, takpee.. eksaited la tu yekk sbb tu gelabah :)
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