Tuesday, 13 March 2012

LOVE ---> weak or strong ?


Hello people,
What did you think about love ? For me, love is when two imperfects person meet up and becomes perfect ! *Allah, ibubapa,adik-beradik,kawan-II itu wajiblah LOVE !*

So, apa kata korang ? *konon macam masuk rancangan temubual kat tv... hahaha*

kotak hati: dicintai dan mencintai adalah satu proses dalam kehidupan !


Sihatimerahjambu said...

perfect in TWO! ^__^

!~ Dolly Auliya ~! said...

@Azhafizah[フィザ] TWO that always be together gether kannnn... hehehe

Unknown said...

Haruslah Love bak kata Yana Samsudin ;)

visit me back ;)


Sis AI said...

Klu hidup sorang, mmg susah nak survive la. Tp klu hidup brdua, at least ada kwn shidup smati.

We can't see ourselves, so we need someone to tell us how do we look day by day.

!~ Dolly Auliya ~! said...

@Rizq Herinza Syadza yeahhhh... LOVE itu HARUSSS.... hehehe

!~ Dolly Auliya ~! said...

@Wani Betul3... bak kata upin dan ipin... weee :)